1. Fixed the actual skill when Puck`s trying to use
Dream Coil with scepter (last fix just added Dream coil to the scepter`s
spells dream team).
2. Track`s buff was not visible when in range of tracked enemy
3. Track`s visual on enemy head was not disappearing after Track`s 30 sec end
4. Fixed Soul Steal channeling text in the tooltip
5. Added passive icon for Strygwyr's Thirst
Последняя на данный момент оффициальная версия доты с ботами. Требуется WarCraft III патч 1.24e.
Changelog: 6.66b (v0.2141) =============== -Rewrote Overpower and Summon Familiars to prevent AI crashes -Undid the fix added for Pounce in 6.66b that was causing the game to crash -Added a workaround for when AI attempt to attack a dropped Divine Rapier (item will be removed) -Fixed AI from destroying the Aegis after having them attack Roshan
6.64 (v0.213) ============= -First update to 6.64 -Changed the default AI behaviour of creeps and towers to be the same as in the official map -Fixed the fade on Circles of Protection belonging to other players -Fixed some numerical errors on Bristleback's abilities -Added some additional AI ability functionality (Black Hole, Fissure, Epicenter)
6.63b (v0.212) ============== -First update to 6.63b -Fixed an issue that was causing AI bots to learn their abilities out of order -Fixed another issue that was still causing the game to crash when a player leaves the game early -Added some additional AI ability functionality (Crystal Nova, Storm Bolt, Mana Burn)
Dota-Allastars v6.51 Ai - обсждайте сию карту на форуме.
Боты стали активные, но если их часто убивать, то они стоят на базе около вышки и ждут пока на них не нападут! Это гдето после 25минут игры! Надеюсь это исправят.